Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tea Party, racism & sedition

John Adams and his Federalist Party was hailed as an idol by Republicans during George W Bush's reign and during 2008 campaign. His elitist attitudes that deemed ordinary folk too ignorant and unimportant to be involved in government, especially in electing senators, fit right in with GOP ideology.

It would only be fitting, then, to use one of Adam's most imperial laws to punish the GOP and its Tea Party puppet masters: The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.

The Sedition Act was devised to silence Republican criticism of the Federalists with broad proscription of spoken or written criticism of the government, the Congress, or the President. According to an Encarta item, the act made it a "criminal offense to print or publish fake, malicious, or scandalous statements against the US government, president, or Congress; to foster opposition to the lawful acts of Congress." I can't think of a better description of the Republicans' actions over the past few weeks. Hell, the last sentence covers the last 5 years and doesn't appear to be waning.

Self-promoting Sen. Ted Cruz and failed governor Sarah Palin exhibited these criminal acts in Washington DC while ursurping a veterans protest (and hypocritically condemning such co-option). An even more serious infraction was committed by the mis-named Freedom Watch's Larry Klayman who demanded President Obama " put down the Koran and come out with his hands up." Instead of condemning Klayman's seditious tirade, Cruz's statement answering pleas he denounce such dribble essentially supported it.

Birthers, racists, bigots, fundamentalist religious extremists, and economically ignorant ideologues have used seditious rhetoric throughout President Obama's term. Supposedly mainstream Republicans have been cowed by self-interest and a fetish for power into enabling and supporting the disgusting actions and verbiage (see: Rep. Joe Wilson and "you lie.")

Hatemongers love the First Amendment. It allows them to spread their abhorrent message freely as they simultaneously rant and rail against the US government, the Constitution, the overwhelming-majority-elected president, and civil rights for everyone else but themselves.

Even during his Senate statement announcing a deal to end the latest GOP-created crisis over the debt ceiling, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell couldn't help but repeat blatant falsehoods and disparaging remarks about "Obamacare," one of the "lawful acts of Congress."

Having an ideological agenda is natural, but when a rabidly radical project is pushed by a non-representative and bigoted minority who gets funding and support from powerful forces that ebables the minority to take control of our once Democratic Republic, reasonable people need to regain control. Republican voter suppression hasn't completely destroyed majority voting everywhere. Until the demented Tea Party loses its death grip on the GOP, sensible voters need to stymie their power grab by voting the Republican puppets out of office.

The Alien and SeditiActs of 1798 were allowed to expire or were repealed by 1801. While I agree with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison that the Sedition Act essentially nullified constitutional free speech, it's proscriptions still certainly apply to the Republicans' malicious condemnation, racist slurs, and bigoted misinformation aimed at President Obama and the Affordable Care Act.

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