Monday, July 28, 2014

Boehner lawsuit (HR262) - my response

HR262 House Speaker John Boehner's wasteful lawsuit aimed at President Obama and the healthcare of millions:

I oppose Authorizing a Lawsuit Against the President because... It is nothing more than a continuation of the Republicans' obstructionism and hostility to the Office of the President -- all because the majority of USA citizens prefer the country, and society move forward toward our founding principles. In addition, it is a further waste/misuse of tax dollars, especially since this desperate attempt to cause further upheaval is solely ideologically based.

Voice opinion on Boehner' #lawsuit boner #HR626 -  URL to share #obstruction #taxwaste #tcot

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Response to Don Surber's Charleston Daily Mail op-ed on Hobby Lobby "facts" 7/2/14

Mr Surber, you could not be more wrong on your suppose "facts" concerning Hobby Lobby. The religious liberty claims have more to do with bait-and-switch then with constitutional rights. Radical fundamentalist Christians are as intractable As the Muslims for which they show such un-Christian animosity. These supposedly devout Christians are only interested in "religious liberty" when it means they are the ones who decide who gets the rights. The founding principles of religious liberty embodied in the Constitution by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are the antithesis of what the Green family and like-minded fundamentalists claim. And the Green family, who claims to so devoutly hold their Christian principles, have no qualms about misrepresenting or outright lying to support their claims.

FACT: None of the contraceptives Hobby Lobby claimed it was against are abortifacients. None.

FACT: Holly Lobby didn't even want employees to receive counseling on contraception.

FACT: on Tuesday SCOTUS clarified that ALL contraceptives are covered by their Hobby Lobby ruling.

FACT: Hobby Lobby covered all of the contraceptives they seem opposed to before the Affordable Care Act passed.

FACT: Hobby Lobby's pension investments include pharmaceuticals who manufacture actual abortifacients. (Their lawyer bald-facedly lied about this.)

FACT: Much of Hobby Lobby's merchandise comes from China which forces abortions on its women.

FACT: Many organizations and institutions now want to use the Hobby Lobby ruling to discriminate against LGBT in hiring.

The Supreme Court's decision does nothing more than further the theocratic goals of the radical right wing religionists who incorrectly believe this is a Christian country instead of one that is supposed to embrace religious diversity.

For shame on those 5 men for their lack of understanding of the Establishment Clause's underlying ideology, and shame on you for supporting their unAmerican push towards theocracy.