Friday, January 30, 2015

GOP's love for hate group AFA

Hate group AFA only pretends to fire Fischer

Saw on RMS (Maddow) last night that while Bryan Fischer is 'fired' from American Family Assoc, he's still their paid anchor in their radio show. RNC says it's glad AFA has 'severed the relationship' -- even tho they obviously haven't.

That Repubs even want to admit AFA exists since GOP is so fond of the extreme RW leaders of Israel while AFA is devoutly anti-Semitic. Their goal is to convert Jews because - End Times.

They even showed disdain for Romney at a Rick Perry rally by saying Perry was "a genuine follower of Christ" -- "Mormonism is a cult."

So are Repub candidates going to seek AFA support, attend their rallies? Sure. RNC's leadership, incld Priebus, is traveling to Israel w/ this hate group who doesn't think Jews don't have the right to practice their religion in the US.

Hate, bigotry, and religious extremism are apparently quite welcome attitudes for Republicans.
