Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mitch McConnell Promises a Massive Government Shutdown If Republicans Win The Senate - Politicususa

I apologize to PoliticusUSA for reposting this but it's too good not to spread aroubd as much as possible. The original address is here:


Mitch McConnell is already making plans for after Republicans take over the Senate, and his top priority is to get Obama to give him what he wants or he will shutdown the government.

McConnell was upfront with Politico about his plans,

Mitch McConnell has a game plan to confront President Barack Obama with a stark choice next year: Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In an extensive interview, the typically reserved McConnell laid out his clearest thinking yet of how he would lead the Senate if Republicans gain control of the chamber. The emerging strategy: Attach riders to spending bills that would limit Obama policies on everything from the environment to health care, consider using an arcane budget tactic to circumvent Democratic filibusters and force the president to “move to the center” if he wants to get any new legislation through Congress.

Republicans tried to play this game with President Obama last year, and it nearly destroyed their party. McConnell is clinging to the idea that the president will cave, but Obama has no reason to give Republicans anything. He will be closing in on the end of his term by the time Republicans would take over the Senate in January 2015.

A prolonged government shutdown in 2015 or 2016 would be a disaster for the Republican Party. Obama will not be blamed for a government shutdown. Republicans will take the heat, and the damage would intense if they pursued this tactic in the middle of a presidential campaign.

A shutdown would also help likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton because it would hand her the argument for why she must be elected president, and Democrats need to take over Congress.

It takes a great deal of hubris for McConnell to be planning how he is going to shutdown Obama for the next two years, while he is the middle of a reelection campaign that he could easily lose.

McConnell is completely clueless. He continues to obsess over President Obama while ignoring the voters in Kentucky. Mitch McConnell demonstrated why Republicans should not be given control of the Senate, and why he deserves to lose his seat this November.

The easiest way to solve all of these problems is for Kentucky voters to retire Mitch McConnell.


Costing the country billions, causing thousands to lose jobs & homes (no job, no mort payments), further lower world opinion of us, make folks so totally disgusted w/ GOP (& Dominionist masters) that they'll realize the full danger of GOP failed austerity & repressive social policies... Hmmm one bright spot in the plan....

Monday, August 11, 2014

Repubs seem to have as much respect for facts as they do for Pres Obama

At the bottom are the John Boehner Google+ post and a respons by another delusional (or just sorely misinformed) Obama-hater. This is my rebuttal:

Rich, First of all, presuming you're an American citizen, Obama is also YOUR president, whether or not you voted for him.

I also presume you preferred GW Bush, who, btw, took more vacations than other pres - total 879 days (Reagan took 335). Obama, on the other hand, has so far taken only 125 while Bush had already taken 407 by the same point in his terms. Before parroting criticism, check your facts.

As for working w/ Congress, it's tough when they'd rather block attempts to move the country forward and improve lives of all. Have you forgotten that day after he was elected, top GOP proudly claimed their No 1 priority was making him a 1-term pres? Working together is a 2-way street. Repubs are still hung up on the idea that "compromise" is a 4-letter word.

"President is not a king." True. But when congress refuses to act, pres has to. As for overreaching, Bush was fond of "signing statements" on passed bills meaning he didn't care what law said, he'd do things his iwn way. And any liberties w/ executive power Pres Obama has taken (or seemed to) were gicen him after a 40-year effort by Cheney and friends to restore the ones taken away by Church Committee after Nixon abused any privileges he had. If a Repub was in White House battling a non-compliant congress, you'd probably praise him.

I understand your confusion. You obviously pay more attention to the misinformation and outright lies by FoxNews & Rush than you do to factual, and reality-based reports.

Posts to which I was responding are below:

On Monday, August 11, 2014, Rich White (Google+)
> +P. A. nichols what are you talking about? Every time Congress convenes you guys claim they're on vacation all the time. Your president takes a vacation once a month. Right now Congress in solving America's problems. The biggest problems America has policies your president is trying to pass. They are doing a great service to America by stopping it. The president is not a king. He cannot dictate what happens. He has to work with the Congress and as long as you refuse to do that they will continue...

Both were comments to:
> John Boehner
> President Obama faces a choice: He can work with Congress to deal with the tough issues, or he can go it alone and cement a legacy of increased polarization, partisanship and lawlessness. →

Monday, July 28, 2014

Boehner lawsuit (HR262) - my response

HR262 House Speaker John Boehner's wasteful lawsuit aimed at President Obama and the healthcare of millions:

I oppose Authorizing a Lawsuit Against the President because... It is nothing more than a continuation of the Republicans' obstructionism and hostility to the Office of the President -- all because the majority of USA citizens prefer the country, and society move forward toward our founding principles. In addition, it is a further waste/misuse of tax dollars, especially since this desperate attempt to cause further upheaval is solely ideologically based.

Voice opinion on Boehner' #lawsuit boner #HR626 -  URL to share #obstruction #taxwaste #tcot

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Response to Don Surber's Charleston Daily Mail op-ed on Hobby Lobby "facts" 7/2/14

Mr Surber, you could not be more wrong on your suppose "facts" concerning Hobby Lobby. The religious liberty claims have more to do with bait-and-switch then with constitutional rights. Radical fundamentalist Christians are as intractable As the Muslims for which they show such un-Christian animosity. These supposedly devout Christians are only interested in "religious liberty" when it means they are the ones who decide who gets the rights. The founding principles of religious liberty embodied in the Constitution by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are the antithesis of what the Green family and like-minded fundamentalists claim. And the Green family, who claims to so devoutly hold their Christian principles, have no qualms about misrepresenting or outright lying to support their claims.

FACT: None of the contraceptives Hobby Lobby claimed it was against are abortifacients. None.

FACT: Holly Lobby didn't even want employees to receive counseling on contraception.

FACT: on Tuesday SCOTUS clarified that ALL contraceptives are covered by their Hobby Lobby ruling.

FACT: Hobby Lobby covered all of the contraceptives they seem opposed to before the Affordable Care Act passed.

FACT: Hobby Lobby's pension investments include pharmaceuticals who manufacture actual abortifacients. (Their lawyer bald-facedly lied about this.)

FACT: Much of Hobby Lobby's merchandise comes from China which forces abortions on its women.

FACT: Many organizations and institutions now want to use the Hobby Lobby ruling to discriminate against LGBT in hiring.

The Supreme Court's decision does nothing more than further the theocratic goals of the radical right wing religionists who incorrectly believe this is a Christian country instead of one that is supposed to embrace religious diversity.

For shame on those 5 men for their lack of understanding of the Establishment Clause's underlying ideology, and shame on you for supporting their unAmerican push towards theocracy.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bobby Jindal And The Invisible Hand (via Liberaland)

Boy Exorcist and noted volcano scholar Bobby “Bubba” Jindal gave the commencement address at Jerry Falwell’s  Liberty University and he took the opportunity to talk about… cable teevee: He then discussed the Duck Dynasty controversy. “You…

Watchdog: Oversight of state pipeline safety "riddled with weaknesses." (via The Political Carnival)

What would we do without a watchdog to protect us and reveal what we already know: We need more (and as you'll see, way more effective) oversight of Big Corporate Ventures; and that Big Corporate Ventures involving fossil fuels (coughKEYSTONEXLcough…

Saying "prayers in the name of Jesus Christ before luncheons" made attendee "squirm" (via The Political Carnival)

The Los Angeles Times publishes the usual daily letters to the editor, but they also occasionally concentrate on how readers feel about a specific topic that's already been covered in Letters. They call it "Readers React." This week, readers reacted…

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rude, Stupid Christians Interrupt Hindu Priest's Senate Invocation (via

By karoli May 7, 2014 1:54 pm - Comments Freedom of religion is only freedom for Christians. Also freedom of speech, it seems. After Hindu priest Rajan Zed was called to the Senate podium to offer the invocation, he was shouted down by fundamentalist…

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Withdraws Corps Application

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Withdraws Corps Application

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Pipeline Plan Would Affect 750 Water Crossings

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Pipeline Plan Would Affect 750 Water Crossings

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Senate Action Still Possible on Eminent Domain Bill

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Senate Action Still Possible on Eminent Domain Bill

The Roberts Court's Latest Outrage

I was going to write a probably lengthy, angry tirade about the Supreme Court's latest assault on civil rights, liberty, the Constitution, and plain common sense. A rant on how Justice Roberts obviously lied to the Senate when he said he honored precedent. A screed on the court's insensitivity to the rights of religious minorities, especially non-theists. Then I read Rmuse's article on PoliticusUSA: "It Is Time For Constitution Loving Americans To Stand Up To Right Wing Republicans." I don't think I could have done better. Everyone who worries about the degrading secular democracy our country was meant to be should read it. Here's the link:

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two Christian SC Senators Block Third Grader’s State Fossil Proposal Because Jesus (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Sometimes, you begin reading about something and think, “Aww, how cute!” Other times, what should be a touching story of a child’s proposal to make the Woolly Mammoth South Carolina’s official state fossil passing the state House and Senate…