Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bobby Jindal And The Invisible Hand (via Liberaland)

Boy Exorcist and noted volcano scholar Bobby “Bubba” Jindal gave the commencement address at Jerry Falwell’s  Liberty University and he took the opportunity to talk about… cable teevee: He then discussed the Duck Dynasty controversy. “You…

Watchdog: Oversight of state pipeline safety "riddled with weaknesses." (via The Political Carnival)

What would we do without a watchdog to protect us and reveal what we already know: We need more (and as you'll see, way more effective) oversight of Big Corporate Ventures; and that Big Corporate Ventures involving fossil fuels (coughKEYSTONEXLcough…

Saying "prayers in the name of Jesus Christ before luncheons" made attendee "squirm" (via The Political Carnival)

The Los Angeles Times publishes the usual daily letters to the editor, but they also occasionally concentrate on how readers feel about a specific topic that's already been covered in Letters. They call it "Readers React." This week, readers reacted…

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rude, Stupid Christians Interrupt Hindu Priest's Senate Invocation (via

By karoli May 7, 2014 1:54 pm - Comments Freedom of religion is only freedom for Christians. Also freedom of speech, it seems. After Hindu priest Rajan Zed was called to the Senate podium to offer the invocation, he was shouted down by fundamentalist…

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Withdraws Corps Application

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Withdraws Corps Application

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Pipeline Plan Would Affect 750 Water Crossings

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Bluegrass Pipeline Plan Would Affect 750 Water Crossings

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Senate Action Still Possible on Eminent Domain Bill

Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline: Senate Action Still Possible on Eminent Domain Bill

The Roberts Court's Latest Outrage

I was going to write a probably lengthy, angry tirade about the Supreme Court's latest assault on civil rights, liberty, the Constitution, and plain common sense. A rant on how Justice Roberts obviously lied to the Senate when he said he honored precedent. A screed on the court's insensitivity to the rights of religious minorities, especially non-theists. Then I read Rmuse's article on PoliticusUSA: "It Is Time For Constitution Loving Americans To Stand Up To Right Wing Republicans." I don't think I could have done better. Everyone who worries about the degrading secular democracy our country was meant to be should read it. Here's the link: