Thursday, March 1, 2012
Religious extremism or religious freedom?
The argument over the HHS mandate concerning the coverage of birth control has been framed by republicans, taking their cue from the Catholic leadership, as a matter of First Amendment religious freedom. This is a smokescreen. >Twenty-six states had such a mandate before the HHS entered the debate but not one word of complaint was heard. In fact, President Obama's changes ease the mandates in those 26 states. >The GOP is using the bogus religious freedom argument to deflect their number 1 goal of defeating Pres. Obama inNov by creating a false impression of him having a "war on religion." The undercurrent is the long-standing battle against reproductive rights. Just whose freedoms are really under attack? >Unfortunately the Democrats have fallen into the GOP's "religious freedom" trap. They have allowed the debate to center on whether or not birth control is a necessary aspect of healthcare (of course it is) and have neglected the fact that the GOP is using it a as stealth wedge against universal healthcare. By attaching the Blunt amendment to a transportation bill, it also appears to be a factor in their obstructionism. >It is way past time that the GOP started focusing on the issue that got the radical Tea Party crowd into control of the House in the first place: jobs.
War on Healthcare
It seems that the ramifications of the Blunt Amendment are not fully understood. do men not realize the it could also affect their healthcare choices? what if a man wants a vasectomy but his employer does not believe in them? The Republican "war on women" as manifested in their war on healthcare should concern all.
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